I have compiled a list of some of my favorite things/ experiences about life here in Africa. I hope you enjoy them :) On a quick side note...this is my last week here in Uganda! It is amazing how quickly a month has flown by here. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to return to this country and people I have fallen in love with. Thank you for following my journey back to Amani!
Things that I love/ experience about life here in Africa
- Boda Rides
- Finding geckos living in my shoes...I dont know who was more surprised...me or the gecko
- Next door neighbors attempting to DJ and creating a spontaneous backyard dance party for us
- Feeding and cuddling with babies
- Little girls running and wrapping their arms around my legs when I enter the cottage
- The fact that Mercy's smile and contagious laugh is the exact same as it was last summer
- Being called Auntie Brooke
- Hardworking, beautiful mamas
- Late night conversations with the volunteers
- Laughing with Mama Lucy
- Bible studies on Tuesday's
- Splashing around in the Nile with the boys
- Visiting villages
- Chapati runs in the morning
- Meeting Gastor at Canaan
- African spice tea and Rolex's
- Kids club on Saturday afternoons
- Taking kids to church
- Rolling paper beads and having picnics of passion fruit and Gnuts with Mama Lois and her kids
- Star gazing with the volunteers
- Seeing how big the kids have gotten in a year
- Putting the girls down for a nap
- Reading books at preschool
- Long walks around Jinja
- Speaking Lugandan to boda drivers and their surprised reaction that a muzungu (white person) is speaking their language
- Praying with the kids
- Hugs from Paul
- Hope's giggles
- Cuddling with Fiona
- Stories about the latest creatures Mary has discovered in her room
- Trekking in the mud at the market for produce
- Pitch Perfect movie night with the volunteers
- Taking pictures with the kids...both at Amani and the villages
- Playing with the kids from Budundo in a field filled with cows
- Taking videos of Mercy squealing and singing This Little Light of Mine
- And many more :)
Buying Chapati |
Love these girls... We were taking a group picture with our elephant pants :) |
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