It feels almost humanly impossible to put into words an accurate description of my summer in Africa. I have had so many people ask me " What was it like living in Africa?". Hah, where do I even begin? Saying goodbye to the girls, the mamas, Mercy and the other volunteers was so much harder than I anticipated. All I can say is thank goodness for waterproof mascara :) I went into this trip specifically praying to God for Him to break my heart for what breaks His... and He did. Being in Uganda on my own taught me so many things. I feel that I grew both spiritually and as an individual. It was the most incredible experience and I am looking forward to what this year holds until I can return next summer!
Thank so much Brooke for all the time you gave us this summer. You were a blessing to us at Amani. These babies/kids are not going to know what hit them in a few weeks when the other volunteers head out. Truly you ladies have been a great team, I pray our next group of volunteers have servants hearts like y'all have had.