Earlier in the week, a small group of us went to visit a
special needs orphanage called Ekisa. The young women that started this
orphanage met while volunteering at Amani a few years ago. Both had a passion
for special needed children and saw a need in Jinja for one. I am so happy I
was able to spend some time with these kids! They were so happy and loved by
the women and volunteers that worked there.
One of the things that I really loved about Ekisa was that they
provided jobs for adults with disabilities as well. Finding employment and
making a living in Uganda is difficult enough, let alone having a disability on
top of that. Painted on the wall in Ekisa is the verse “ I will praise you, for
I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works” Psalms 139:14.
This verse is the epitome of Ekisa and Amani. It reminded me that God makes no
mistakes. Even though the outside world may see or think that there is
something “wrong” with a special needed child, God made them exactly the way
they are for a purpose. The children at Ekisa were so joyful and beautiful. It
was nice being able to visit another organization

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